Teamspeak Wow Icons Shaking

Teamspeak Wow Icons Shaking Rating: 8,8/10 1366votes

Aug 10, 2014 New Summoner Icons This patch also includes SIX new summoner icons. We will no longer be actively using our TeamSpeak. Looks kinda like the WoW Class icons.

Source: The 10 questions: • Why did you start playing World of Warcraft? • What was the first ever character you rolled? • Which factors determined your faction choice in game? • What has been your most memorable moment in World of Warcraft and why? • What is your favourite aspect of the game and has this always been the case? • Do you have an area in game that you always return to?

• How long have you /played and has that been continuous? • Admit it: do you read quest text or not? • Are there any regrets from your time in game? • What effect has World of Warcraft had on your life outside gaming?

• Roommate convinced my boyfriend and I to try it. • Undead warrior. I gave up and switched to an orc warlock two months later. • I thought the undead were way cooler than the other races.

• Boyfriend had a macro for his warrior to shout a random phrase when he charged. I changed the macro to /gquit. So we all get into MC one afternoon and suddenly the second tank quits the guild. He still gets embarrassed when I bring it up. There is nothing more relaxing to me than trying to bang out a couple levels as quick as possible.

When I smoked (and smoked indoors), long flight paths were a close second. • Howling Fjord. That place always gives me warm and fuzzy feelings. Must have had a good time the first play through. • Since May 2005 with breaks in the summer over the last three years. • I'm not sure I've ever read quest text beyond learning where the objectives were. • I regret not keeping in contact with guildies from Classic and BC, especially the priest we dragged through every dungeon while levelling, regardless of whether or not he was the right level because he was an awesome healer.

• I once referenced WoW during a job interview. I got the job but whether it was because or in spite of the reference, I have no idea.

• I loved Warcraft III's single player. Was also a prior EQ player • Troll Priest on Bloodscalp, December 2004 • Played horde in WC3 mostly, Horde forever.

• Too many, and they pretty much all involve exploring zones or dungeons. Old Thousand Needles at night, first time through all of BRD, first time through the Dark Portal, exploring Storm Peaks, first time in Orgrimmar. • Exploring and questing, and yes. Raiding is a little too repetitive for me, same zone, same mobs, over and over. • I miss the vanilla zones, so no, Cata's changes took away some of the feeling of isolation since everything got so unified and easier to travel to. • Ten years, and no, I play for 3-6 months then quit to play other things often. • All the time.

• I've been on two benders where I became obsessed with gear and raiding. Made WoW more of a chore (see 5), getting gear was cool, not getting the drop felt like I was wasting time. • Its made me want to travel.

• Older brother played it, naturally I was interested in it. • Male Orc Rogue, named Rexdafer(after my dog who we had to get rid of) • Horde seemed fun, I'm huge fan of red and black so I think that's why I chose it to begin with. • Clearing Karazhan for the first time, Maiden dropped this for my shaman, I think I rode that wave of happiness for a week.

• My favorite aspect of the game is no longer there unfortunately, I missed having a community on your server, knowing everyone who did world PVP at Crossroads in The Barrens, and knowing that one rogue who got the off-hand glaive from Illidan on their second kill. I basically miss having to get together with your server in a sense.

• Almost anything in BC, I loved the game then. • My main shaman has 283 days played, alt shaman has 100 ish days played, warrior has 126 days played, and my DK has 85 days played. I played from the last 5 months of vanilla to the end of Tier 14?(what ever the first tier of mop was) Then I came back after siege came out. • I do when the story interests me, like the Jade Forest or the Hellfire Peninsula. • My regret was not sticking with a few guilds. I don't regret playing this game it's taught me a lot about people and how to react appropriately. • I'm definitely more anti-social then I was when I first started playing, I think that's to blame for modern technology though.

I used this game as a get away from my family when I first started playing, so the first thing I do when I get upset is playing a game, sometimes wow, sometimes not. Big post ^_^ • • • •. • 1) A friend promised me a spot on his raid team. I sucked, it didn't happen • 2) A Tauren druid. He did not make it very far.

My first main was a troll shaman. • 3) Solely based on where my friend was.

I have actually switched factions now that I don't play with anyone I used to know anymore. • 4) This is kind of memorable in a bad way, but I really remember the crushing feeling of defeat when they took away Plagued Protodrake before I got a chance to get it.

I zoomed through 1-80 on that troll shaman just to try and run Naxx enough to get it. I missed the deadline and I immediately felt like I wasted all that time and missed a fun part of the game by rushing to max level.:/ • 5) My current favorite aspect of the game is taking a motley crew of fresh-faced raiders and helping them progress as far as they can go. Brings a tear to my eye to help people put stuff on farm. • 6) Shrine, lol. • 7) Idk the number but it was 350+ days on my main I think.

That sounds way too high. I might be wrong. It wasn't continuous.

I took a break in Wrath from 3.2 to 4.1, and in MoP from 5.1 to 5.3. • 8) I totally read quest text if I don't have a reason to rush myself. • 9) I spent way too long in a dead-end guild that kept promising to put a team together to run content but never did.

Countless people joined and left for the same reason before I decided to call it quits. • 10) I met one of my best friends in that dead-end guild. He's several states away but we make a point to see eachother face to face a few times a year. All in all, a positive bonus.

• I watched my older brother play it and it was like zelda but bigger and better. • Night Elf Hunter, but I wanted a Blood Elf Hunter but didn't own BC at the time. Ended up maining a Belf hunter up into Cata where I lost my account and changed to Orc, then race changed to goblin.

I regret this decision every day. • I wanted a blood elf, so I went horde. Now I can't stand belfs at all, but I am still for the horde. • When I made my Deathknight years ago and joined a random guild and became friends with the GM. This was in WotLK and I would take breaks from questing to go skin. I was known as 'The Pelt-Skinner' in the group.

• The world size. The fact that if I want to run from darkshore to uldum by foot, It will take my a long time. Having a world so vast and filled with things makes it feel so real. I love Uldum. And I don't care what people say, Frostfire Ridge looks sweet and I actually like the snow texture on my garrison buildings. • I started with my one account, lost it, made another, lost it, but then regained my lost account. I had blizzard mail my items back because all I ad left was 9 silver, 2 copper, a guild tabard, and a fishing pole.

• I do on quests that seem fun or different, other than that, no. • Things I did when I was young and stupid on my first account. • It's made me look at the world different. I have a different attitude about some things, like team building and working together. I'd say I'm changed for the better but that's not the full case.

Gaining weight, and losing sleep are not good. But I have been losing weight lately, and sleeping more. • A friend from Everquest and Runescape switched to WoW so I switched with him.

• Dwarf Hunter • I've always liked the idea of being the good guy. I know the Horde isn't necessarily evil but from my perspective back in 2004/2005 The Alliance was good and the Horde was bad. So I rolled Alliance. Now I have 1 main on each faction. • Probably the first time I went through the Dark Portal during TBC or arrived in Northrend during WotLK. • Right now my favorite aspect is raiding. No this has not always been the case.

I used to strictly level my character and professions. I viewed raiding as too stressful. Now it's a blast. • Stormwind of course. • On my current main its somewhere like 24 days. My current account is less than a year old. I've played on and off for around 9 years • Not very often • I wish I would have raided in Vanilla and TBC.

• I can't really say. I can't pinpoint anything specific though I'm sure it has had some effect. • Friend played, it looked fun, so we set up our laptops in my living room and didn't move for 2 days. • Dwarf Hunter, then a lock, then a DK, then a druid. Played druid ever since. • Stormwind was awesome, but then all my friends went horde so I went too. • Rank 10 resto druid EU&NA on Thok 25 HC and Spoils 10 HC.

• Big numbers! • No not really, I dont play much anymore outside of raids. • My druid is on about 150 days • Nope, I hate levelling, I only really play healers and there is NOTHING fun about questing as a healer. • Spent far too long in a guild that I hated as we were the only ones holding it together • It hasn't I don't think. • A friend was playing back on WotLK, and also let me play on his account when he wasn't.

It was fun to play is nicely geared pally. • Funny enough I finally got my game in Cataclysm, I didn't want to be just like my friend so I rolled a Fury Warrior. • I liked the Horde back in Cata, they were really the more adult and wasn't filled with kids young enough to be in diapers. (Horde for life!) • After time,my Pally friend decided to hang up the ax and go play some other game. This hurt me, but also lead me to run into a amazing person. Another Fury warrior.

The best time i had was with him raiding Goldshire, murdering people like crazy until the big city kids showed up, then we kicked their Butts also. • My favorite aspect of the game is the ability to be a badass in the content that took a small army to conquer. There's nothing like going two to two with the Lich King, or a giant dragon. • Yes, I am in love with the Eversong woods. Some of the most memorable times happened there. The new Belf running around trying to kill mobs way over. Meeting new people for the first time.

Getting ganked by lvl 90's. 7.Like I said, I started in early WotLK, continued into cata, took a two year break and now I am back in the end of mist. • Oh hell yeah, there is ALWAYS a good story or reference to catch. • Yeah, sometimes i ignore the world around me. Also even though i gain friends, I lose them constantly. So sometimes you make that friend to help ya enjoy, but when you disappear for a month, they don't talk to you.

• One great value is it teaches great lessons of how one can change no matter what. Also the people you do talk to outside of chat, they take up time, but it's worth it. • My buddy said it's going to be cool, and loads of ppl from our gaming community are going to play it.

• Dwarfen Warrior • I wanted Horde, my buddies wanted alliance, i went alliance • Killing Vaelastrasz the corrupt the first time in bwl. It was the last try of the evening (Nr. 19) and everyone was very demotivated and no one thought we could get it done this evening, we got him down and you could only hear 40ppl cheering,screaming,yelling in ts for the next 5 minutes. • i love the big world, not a big stupid instanced world, just a big world with lots of things to see and enjoy • Ironforge, Stormwind and Blackrock Mountain • Started closed Beta, played to 60, took couple of months break, got back, started raiding, quit end of BC.

Returned mid of Cata, wasn't really that good anymore IMHO, quit again after enough PVP, started again a month ago as my best buddy urged me to come back. • No i don't, i sometimes read them later. • I wish i would have tried to kept in touch better with the old crew in RL. • kept my best ingame-female friend from committing suicide in a desperate act. And a divorce • • • •.

New player to the game and while i know it will take me quite some time before i can class myself as 'ok' at the game, i would like the best possible chance to do so whilst also having fun. Now reason i've got this game is because i love the whole zombie apocalypse survival genre but i also love the added threat from human players. I've only just had a brief session tonight [as no true free time until tomorrow] but was wondering if its better to go for a lower populated server as im new [and thus more chance for houses NOT to be looted i presume?] or go for the high population servers as i like the threat/interaction from other players. From what i've seen from my brief time though, the game does feel like it'll be one of those hard to get to grip with but once you do, you'll love / appreciate it a lot [which i love btw]. When i first started playing DayZ mod i roleplayed that i was basically just a peaceful survivor, but one who had witnessed a seemingly senseless violence and so remained very cautious but tried to find out more about what was going on. So i would try following people to see what they were up to and to see if they were part of the violent group or not.

I thought maybe i would catch someone doing something and take action from that point. Letting people go past you is also a great way to keep the tension high because they're still around somewhere. But following people in DayZ is harder than it has to be because the movement is/was so clunky and buggy. I needed more precise movement actions and timing to remain hidden. I hope.63 will bring that control we need. I was more about the very way how the game played.

Content matters little. There could be five types of weapon, two types of vehicle and the game still could be incredible. Because, at least for me, DayZ was all about interacting with people. Even though the game has ridiculously huge map, for very little amount of players, it used to be very nice closer to the coast, and around NWAF anyway. Later everyone was spread out. Literaly only this was needed to ruin the game. I loved to talk, I could have been totaly destroyed in PVP with my 20fps, but I enjoyed the unique experience each time.

Then interactions were 'turned off', KOS values got turned up to 11. The game became unbalanced. Lagu Dangdut Populer Jaman Dulu Indonesia News. Started to feel like waste of time, it was already great amount of just runing already.

But it just got worse later. For me the reason to push people out of the coast 'so they will explore more of the map' was stupid. I remember watching generals sam video where he bashed DayZ very early on, IMO he was really wrong then, but slowly becoming right. He was really wrong when he said that people becomes bored of the game when they explore the map, and nothing new is left. He was and is totaly wrong about that. DayZ used to be all new, and unique all the time as interactions happened, didn't matter if it is Novo and Novo again, or Berezino non stop. Content, places.

Other players, not knowing what will happen - it was interesting. From seeing a few highlights from the next patch, I look forward to it, I feel like it may bring some new life to the game and make several aspects of the game more interesting/enjoyable. Beyond that, I hope that it brings back players and interests new ones to come and play. But, I'm not going to count my count my chickens before they hatch. *EDIT* (Added comments about Jakons video.* When he posts a fast scrolling list of things, 'Added', most of those things are bug/glitch/exploit fixes, changes to in-game files, looks/appearances of some things. We've all or atleast a majority of us have, read notes from patches, they're not all content, and let's be honest with ourselves, a fair amount of things are just redone or polished over things and aren't really new content.

I'll give you an real-life example of what I mean by, 'Aren't really new content', take a basketball and paint it blue, is it a new basketball or the same basketball with a new color? Same with the zombies in-game, they're not new zombies, they've just been re-skinned. For those of us from the start (I started playing three years ago.) take what we had back then and look at what we have now? What can you say is truly, 'New', and what is just been re-hashed/skinned. Now from my past posts you may think, 'This guy doesn't like DayZ', but that's where you're wrong, I like DayZ, out of all the survival games of it's genre it is by far the more enjoyable and draws me into it when playing it, the feeling I get while playing it is matched by no other game of it's genre, and that's why I stick around.

I will be someone who plays this game until it truly is, 'Dead', but at the same time I'm not going to sit back and not have negative thoughts/opinions about it just because I enjoy/like playing it. A challenge I would like to put forth, is to not KoS or actively PvP for a few days, to try and get interaction with someone or a group and refrain from spraying people down or sniping them from afar. Then come back to this thread, and report your findings and what interactions you had with people both positive and negative ones, obviously. Now, don't set yourself up in a situation where you know you're going to be drilled threw the skull such as trying to talk with someone at a military location (Airfield/Base/Tent City) and obviously cities that have a high-volume of pvp'rs. The reason why I'm putting this challenge up is that, as this game progresses and everyone just keeps spraying people down, or sniping them from afar, this game will never be anything outside of a pvp/griefers paradise and any interaction outside of shit talking someone over your mic as you drill them full of holes, is all DayZ will be. We owe it to the future players of this game when it goes to full release that will come here, and hopefully more positive interactions will bring those who preferred talking to fellow survivors as opposed to gunning them down, bring them back.

Any thoughts are welcomed.

28 May 2017 [FB] Frosty: xD [FB] Frosty: Valerian Network split their server [FB] Frosty: into south and North Mzkie is now Online. [FB] Frosty: Hello? Mzkie is now Online. Mzkie : hiya [FB] Frosty: Im starting to get some teamspeak support [FB] Frosty: Help people in teamspeak if they need it [FB] Frosty: also would you like to check out the teamspeak? [FB] Frosty: I made it look quite nice i think [FB] Frosty: ill hop on the swrp in a min [FB] Frosty: aww mzkie! [FB] Frosty: Why are we using HFG Mzkie : cos its good [FB] Frosty: yeah but ships should be part of the experince;o [FB] Frosty: I don't mind teleporters for certain but cheaper price Mzkie : ships = minge [FB] Frosty: well maybe we can find a ship without guns [FB] Frosty: And we can easily freeze ships [FB] Frosty: thats what admins can do [FB] Frosty: And if admins catch a ship shooting they can freeze it with physgun Mzkie : ships = lag [FB] Frosty: and kick person [FB] Frosty: oh alright [FB] Frosty: well does the map have ships? [FB] Frosty: star destroyer i mean [FB] Frosty: hop on server?

[FB] Frosty: ill give u ideas for what we can do [FB] Frosty: mzkie? Mzkie : frosty?