Riva Tuner Statistics Server Is Currently Active

Riva Tuner Statistics Server Is Currently Active Rating: 6,6/10 4521votes

Hello again, since I am currently testing several different software setups I found a piece of software which prevents WP from starting completely – namely the 'RivaTuner Statistics Server' which is installed by default when you install a program called 'MSI Afterburner', which is used to control the fan curve of graphics card as well as to create fixed overclocking/underclocking profiles. What is this tool? (Quote) Initially designed as a small helper application for RivaTuner graphics card utility, RivaTuner Statistics Server became de-facto framerate monitoring, On-Screen Display and high-performance videocapture service provider for other graphics card utilities. As mentioned this application prevents WP from starting or crashes the executable in an instant. My experience was that the splash screen appears but is totally black. The game itself is starting but after a few seconds without any intro played or whatever, the WP executable closes itself without any error message.

Why is this happening? I tracked it down and the most likely reason for that to happen is: The mentioned software offers on screen overlays for temperature, fan speeds and many more. However the method this software is using, is called 'Hooking', which means it interferes directly with the game engine and executable to overlay its own graphics in your game. WP does not like this at all! It may be a cheat prevention mechanism or just something the executable can not handle.

Riva Tuner Statistics Server Is Currently Active

While other FPS-Tools like 'Fraps' work with no problems, the mentioned tool is very likely not usable with WP. This might be another episode of Purim's tech talk and no one else is affected by that besides myself. Just as a heads up: If you use MSI Afterburner to control your graphics card, do NOT install the optional RivaTuner Statistics Server I am sure, most of you can ignore my thread and just move on with your normal business. Thx for your time – Purim System Specs: Intel Xeon E3-1231v3 Gigabyte GA-H97-D3H (socket 1150) AMD Radeon R9 390X 16 GB RAM. Mhill2029: Yeah, I run Nvidia GPU's.

I couldn't put AMD in my system puts on flame suit +1 I can't help with Rivatuner I don't use it but to monitoring Gpu Temp: is nice. If your goal is to underclock or overclock Gpu well with Amd Gpu I don't know any alternative to Rivatuner (except flashing rom vga bios using 'atiflash' and mod bios: wich can 'brick' videocard so I don't recommend doing it). Seems there's some alternative to Rivatuner here: Didn't tried them, and most of tools seems relate to brand (asus, evga, etc) so maybe there's one working there for you? Ty, yeah currently Afterburner is working fine for what I need it to do, keeping my GPU fan in appropriate levels because otherwise it sounds like a starting jet engine in my apartment.

Hey all, I am trying to install RivaTuner 2.44c but it will not install. I get an error message that reads this: RivaTuner Statistics Server is currently active, install process will be aborted. I have checked but this program is not running in processes or startup. I am at as loss as what to do to get this program. Feb 02, 2013 How to disable RivaTuner statistics server technology alemale94. Improving PC Game Performance using Riva Tuner Statistics Server.

And there is indeed an alternative to this software, which is surprisingly the new Wattman feature in AMD drivers itself. In theory at least.

Because my card is not an official AMD reference Design, some features are deactivated by default with the GPU Bios: the temperature and fan control states. So as much as i like the new tool, it is of no use for me, will keep my eyes open but for now, the MSI tool is doing the job.

One thing most good network administrators have in common is that they constantly wonder how their servers are performing. Summing up a machine’s performance usually requires several different tools. For example, if you want to know when your server was last rebooted, you might check the event log. But what if the event logs have been purged recently? A better way to get this kind of vital information is to use the Net Statistics command. In this Daily Drill Down, I’ll introduce you to the Net Statistics command and explain how to interpret the information it gives you. The Net Statistics Command reports server statistics If you’ve ever used Windows NT/2000/XP commands like Net Use or Net Print, then you’re probably somewhat familiar with the Net command.

The Net command is a command line tool that allows you to perform many different network-related tasks. The Net Statistics command is the Net command’s method for reporting a server or workstation’s vital statistics. As you read this Daily Drill Down, bear in mind that every networked Windows NT/2000/XP machine functions simultaneously as both a server and a workstation.

As the Server service and the Workstation service run, they compile statistics over time. You can view these statistics through the Net Statistics command.

To use the Net Statistics command, simply open a Command Prompt window and enter either the Net Statistics Workstation command to access workstation statistics, or the Net Statistics Server command to access the server statistics. Server statistics You can obtain cumulative statistics on the server service’s performance by entering the Net Statistics Server command in a Command Prompt window. When you do, you’ll see information similar to what’s shown in Figure A. Figure A Statistics reported by the Net Statistics Server command As you look at the figure, you’ll notice that the various lines of information are divided into groups. The first bit of information that the Net Statistics command gives is a date and time representing when the server was most recently booted.

Session information The second block of information has to do with server sessions. The session information can be a bit deceptive, partly because of the way that the Sessions Accepted statistic is presented and partly because of what’s missing. If you look at Figure A, you’ll notice that the Sessions Accepted line has a much smaller number than the Sessions Timed-Out or Sessions Errored-Out lines. That’s because, like most of the other information that the Net Statistics command provides, the Sessions Timed-Out and Sessions Errored-Out lines are cumulative. However, the Sessions Accepted line represents the number of active sessions at the time that the command was run. Therefore, when I ran the command shown in Figure A there were three live sessions, but 120 sessions had been disconnected and 131 sessions had errored out since the last time the server was booted.

As you may have guessed, the Sessions Timed-Out line represents sessions that have been disconnected because of how long they remained idle, and the Sessions Errored-Out represents the number of sessions that were disconnected due to an error. What you may not know is that the number of sessions that have timed out is included in the number of sessions that have errored out. Therefore, although Figure A shows 131 errored sessions, 120 of those were time-outs. This means that there were only 11 actual errors. The information presented in this portion of the report is useful for determining how many users are connected, whether the number of errors is disproportionately large, and whether the automatic time-out feature is working. Time out may not seem like a big deal, but it’s Windows' way of freeing up resources.

I mentioned earlier that some information was missing from this part of the report. Windows 2000 also collects information on the number of sessions that have logged out normally and the number of sessions that were manually disconnected by an administrator.

You can only access this information through Performance Monitor. Kilobytes If you’ve worked much with Performance Monitor, you’re probably familiar with the bytes sent/sec and bytes received/sec counters. The information in the Kilobytes section is based on those figures. The numbers next to the Kilobytes Sent and Kilobytes Received lines represent the number of total kilobytes sent and received by the server service, not the system as a whole, since the last boot. For example, in the figure, you can see that since July 25th, my server has sent about 13 GB and received about 3 GB. Although this section doesn’t show you the bytes per second like the Performance Monitor would, it does show you the mean response time in milliseconds. The mean response time has nothing to do with how quickly the server sent the data, but rather how quickly the server responded to the request.

As you can see in the figure, my server had an ideal mean response time of zero. However, this number is a bit unrealistic in a production environment with more than a few users. I can’t tell you what your mean response time should be because it varies from location to location. What I can tell you is that the lower the number, the faster the response time. One way to get a feel for how your server responds is to establish a baseline to find out what is normal for your server. For example, you can use the Net Statistics command to view the mean response time at a certain time of day over the course of a week.

You can then tell how the server is performing by comparing the current mean response time with the baseline score. Bear in mind that, since this is a cumulative score, it could take a long time to reflect serious performance problems. Errors The errors section reports on three different types of errors. The System errors line reports the number of system errors that have occurred since the last reboot. System errors typically represent a problem with the server. Therefore, this number should be zero. The next line indicates the number of permissions violations that have occurred since the last boot.

As you can see in the figure, it’s normal to have a few permissions violations. Even if no one on your network is trying to get into anything unauthorized, it isn’t uncommon for a server that isn’t configured exactly right to generate access permissions at the system level.

However if this number increases substantially each time you run the Net Statistics command, it could mean that someone is trying to hack your network. The last line in this section is Password Violations.

This number represents the number of times that users have entered passwords incorrectly. Again, big spikes in this number could signal a hack attempt.

Access The next section tells you something about the way your users are accessing the server. The Files Accessed line shows the total number of times files were accessed since the last boot. It’s important to note that this is the total number of accesses, not the total number of individual files accessed.

I don’t have 1.7 million data files on my server; however the files that are on my server (mostly temporary files) have been accessed that many times. The next line, Communication Devices Accessed, shows you how many times devices like modems have been accessed. The Print Jobs Spooled line indicates how many print jobs have been spooled by the server since it was booted. Buffers exceeded The final section of the Servers report has to do with buffers that have been exceeded. In this particular case, the report refers to NetBEUI buffers. If you don’t have NetBEUI installed, both of these numbers should be zero. Workstation statistics The workstation statistics refer to the performance statistics gathered by the Workstation Service.

You can view the workstation statistics by entering the Net Statistics Workstation command. When you do, you’ll see a report similar to the one in Figure B. Figure B Statistics reported by the Net Statistics Workstation command Bytes and SMBs As you look at the Bytes and SMBs section, it’s important to bear in mind that the statistics pertain only to the Workstation Service, not to the computer as a whole. Most of the statistics found in this section are fairly self-explanatory. The section begins by displaying the number of bytes and the number of server message blocks (SMBs) received. The report then displays the number of bytes and the number of SMBs transmitted.

If you attempt to compare these stats against the sent and received stats shown by the server portion of the Net Statistics command, you should know that, while the server portion shows sent and received data in kilobytes, the workstation section shows the data in bytes. A kilobyte is equal to 1024 bytes.

Therefore, the 11983814 bytes received shown in Figure B only represents about 11 MB. Read and write operations The Read Operations and Write Operations section displays the cumulative number of read and write operations followed by the number of raw reads and writes that have been denied. Under normal circumstances, the raw reads and raw writes denied should be zero.

Larger numbers may represent permissions problems or a hardware issue involving your hard disk or controller. Network errors and connections The network errors and connections section is designed to tell you something about the stability of the workstation service’s network connection. The Network Errors line typically refers to physical network errors, such as bad packets.

Under normal circumstances, this number should be zero. If you think that the system may be having network problems, try running the Net Statistics Workstation command repetitively. If a serious physical problem is causing the network connection to produce errors, you’ll see this line’s number increasing sharply. The next few lines deal with network connections. As you can see in Figure B, the report shows the number of connections that have been made, followed by the number of reconnections made and the number of server disconnects.

The numbers shown in this section are cumulative values and will vary widely, depending on what you use the machine for. Notice that in the figure, my server’s number of connections is much higher than the number of reconnections or server disconnections.

This is normal for a healthy system. The reason that the number of connections is so much higher than the other numbers is that, for every connect, there should be a corresponding workstation-side disconnect. Only when this disconnect doesn’t happen will you see a server-side disconnect or a reconnect. Server disconnects can represent disconnections for a variety of reasons. Most of the time, server disconnects represent disconnections caused by time outs. However, these disconnects can also represent disconnections due to errors or connections that were manually terminated by an administrator.

You’ll also notice that the number of reconnects is higher than the number of server disconnects. Sometimes a workstation will lose a connection for no apparent reason, and it will automatically try to re-establish the connection. The reconnections represent situations in which the workstation was able to recover from a connection error after the connection had already been dropped.

As you can see, both the Server Disconnects and the Reconnections Made lines show totals in the single digits. Under ideal circumstances, this is how it should be. Server disconnects could be considerably higher if applications are often left idle. However, reconnections should never be very high. An ever increasing number of reconnections could indicate a network hardware problem. Even on a healthy system, though, the number of reconnections won’t always be in the single digits.

For example, my system shows five reconnections, but it has been running for only a month. Systems that have been up longer may show a proportionately larger number of reconnects. Sessions The statistics shown in the Sessions section are fairly self-explanatory. For example, the Sessions Started line shows the number of sessions that have been started. You can also see how many sessions have hung or failed, total sessions used, and how many of the sessions used have failed.

As you might have suspected, the Failed Sessions, Failed Operations, and Failed Use Count lines should show low numbers, preferably zero or in the single digits. Again, if you see a larger number associated with one of these counters, you should take a look at how long the machine has been online before jumping to conclusions.

For example, my machine has been online for a month and has a failed use count of 4. Therefore, if the failed use count is 24 but the machine hasn’t been rebooted in six months, the statistic is no big deal. Casting your net The Net Statistics command can be a real time-saver. It lets you view several important pieces of information without using the Performance Monitor. The Net Statistics command shows you how well your server is performing and even gives some insight into how well your server’s security is holding up. The real trick is to know how to interpret the numbers that Net Statistics gives you. Related Topics.

Here you can download RTSS Rivatuner Statistics Server. Initially designed as a small helper application for RivaTuner graphics card utility, RivaTuner Statistics Server became de-facto framerate monitoring, On-Screen Display and high-performance videocapture service provider for other graphics card utilities. Initially designed as a small helper application for RivaTuner graphics card utility, RivaTuner Statistics Server became de-facto framerate monitoring, On-Screen Display and high-performance video capture service provider for other graphics card utilities. Recently Microsoft released their KB4032188 update which invokes an updated compatibility assistant. That compatibility assistant is now detecting the old RTSS 6.x.x versions launch, and prevents it from doing so. It informs a user that RTSS is incompatible with Creators Update and redirects you to our download page with a recommendation to upgrade. This is exactly why we released official 7.0.0 beta with Creators Update support back in April 2017. To get compatible again please install the latest revision 7.0.0 beta (or newer).

Right now you are using a 6.x.x version. Also, more recommended we suggest that you download latest full beta package of MSI Afterburner which includes an even newer build of RTSS -. Note: Does your overlay not work anymore after the update? Please perform a full uninstall of RTSS and AfterBurner (with profiles removal) and perform a CLEAN install of it.

Features: • The server provides framerate and frametime monitoring support to the client applications. Framerate and frametime statistics is being collected for DirectX and OpenGL applications. Download Windroye Emulator Android Ter Ringan.

The statistics can be rendered in On-Screen Display or provided to client applications connected to the server. • The server provides 3D acceleration usage statistics to the client applications. The clients can use the statistics to determine if any 3D applications are currently running and apply different hardware profiles depending on it.

• The server provides On-Screen Display support to the client applications. The clients can display any text info in the On-Screen • Display in DirectX and OpenGL applications. The server can be also used as a standalone framerate monitoring solution and display own framerate statistics in the On-Screen Display. • The server provides desktop and in-game screen capture support to the client applications.

BMP, PNG and JPG screen capture formats are supported. • The server provides high-performance realtime desktop and in-game video capture support to the client applications. • Uncompressed, high-performance custom RTV1 and native MJPG video encoding, encoding with third-party external VFW compatible codecs (e.g. Lagarith or x264vfw) and hardware accelerated H.264 encoding via Intel QuickSync, NVIDIA NVENC and AMD VCE are supported in conjunction with wide range of additional video capture related options, multisource stereo and multichannel (for Window Vista and newer) audio capture with Push-To-Talk support. The functionality of expensive commercial video capture products is now available to everyone absolutely for free! There is no need to buy dedicated video capture software anymore!

• Framerate limiting support. Limiting the framerate during gaming can help to reduce the power consumption as well as it can improve gaming experience due to removing unwanted microstuttering effect caused by framerate fluctuations.

• User extendable architecture. You may express your creativity and design your own skins for RivaTuner Statistics Server, create localization for your native language, use the server to display any custom text in On-Screen Display directly from your own application and many, many more! System requirements: • Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 (both x86 and x64 versions) with full administrative rights • Any DirectX, Vulkan or OpenGL compatible graphics card Version 7.0.2. • New unified geometry batching implementation for all supported 3D APIs provides more efficient On-Screen Display rendering and more easily extendable renderer architecture • Due to new unified geometry batching implementation bar chart graphs are now being rendered in a single pass with On-Screen Display text • Added new formatting tags for displaying embedded bars • Fixed multithreaded audio encoder uninitialization issue, which could cause temporary prerecord files not to be deleted when prerecording video to a file • Updated profiles list.

Version 7.0.0 • Added initial Microsoft UWP applications support. Now RivaTuner Statistics Server provides full On-Screen Display, framerate/frametime statistics collection and framerate limiting support for sandboxed Windows 10 store applications. Screencapture and videocapture are currently not supported in UWP environment • New default Metro interface styled skin designed by 00pontiac • Default skin composition mode is now set to layered mode with color key and light transparency • Improved default On-Screen Display rendering configuration provides better default On-Screen Display appearance on modern mainstream PC display resolution. Now raster 3D rendering mode with Unispace font and shadow rendering are enabled and zooming ratio is set to 3 by default • Framerate is now displayed as integer value, however you may return back to floating point framerate representation with configuration file switch if necessary • Hook engine is now using alternate shorter x64 hook trampoline to provide compatibility with Windows 10 Creators Update Direct3D9 runtimes.

The previous trampoline can be enabled via the configuration file if necessary • Hook libraries are now digitally signed by MSI to simplify and speed up the process of new versions’ whitelisting by third party anticheat systems. Thanks to MSI, EAC and BattleEye for making it possible! • Added power user oriented profile compatibility setting for DX1x applications concurrently accessing the swap chain from multiple rendering threads (e.g. DX12 rendering mode in Battlefield 1 Fall Update) • Added compatibility profile for Battlefield 1 Fall Update to address application hang/crash on startup issues in DX12 mode with On-Screen Display enabled • Added power user oriented profile setting, allowing you to customize framerate denominator for the built-in framerate limiter. The denominator can be customized to adjust the limit in fractional steps (e.g. Denominator 10 to adjust the limit in 1/10 FPS steps) • Updated localizations Version 6.5.0 • Direct3D12 On-Screen Display, screen capture and video capture support.

Currently RivaTuner Statistics Server is the only application providing On-Screen Display support for both single-GPU Direct3D12 applications and multi-GPU Direct3D12 applications running in explicit LDA mode on both AMD Crossfire and NVIDIA SLI systems. Please take a note that Direct3D12 support is provided for native Win32 applications only, Microsoft UWP applications are currently not supported • Added “Hide pre-created profiles” option to “General properties” section in “General” tab.

New option allows you to see your own profiles only and hide built-in pre-created 3D exclusion profiles supplied with the application • 64-bit Steam overlay library has been removed from delayed hooking engine configuration. Now On-Screen Display is being rendered immediately after starting 64-bit Steam applications without 15 second delay. Power users may still add 64-bit Steam overlay library to delayed hooking engine configuration if necessary • Fixed bug in the encoder server causing it to continue capturing audio and leak memory after recording a video through dedicated encoder server and closing 3D application without stopping video recording session • Updated profiles list. #5502496 Posted on: 09:34 PM Never really understood why is so important to uninstall and remove everything including my profiles before installing newer versions, I want to keep my profiles so I won't have to make them again.

Unwinder is it 'better safe than sorry' method.? Every now and then an older install can cause an issue with the overlay or the game. 9 out of 10 times that is solved with a clean AB and RTSS install. When that happens with a user, he/she registers, start to ask why AfterBurner messes up so badly (nobody uses search) and that their world has effectively ended, as the new build broke their game or overlay. So yes, for the novice, please uninstall AB and RTSS before installing a new build.

#5502504 Posted on: 10:02 PM That’s not entirely correct. Full RTSS reinstall with profiles removal is only required after serious OS platform updates or service packs installation, when Direct3D runtimes are being upgraded by OS whilst running RTSS.

That may result in corrupting RTSS injection cache and can be solved either by “Reset cache” button in RTSS properties or by simple performing a clean install. But it has no relation to simply upgrading RTSS or AB versions and clean installs are not required in this case. #5502829 Posted on: 11:35 PM Every now and then an older install can cause an issue with the overlay or the game. 9 out of 10 times that is solved with a clean AB and RTSS install. When that happens with a user, he/she registers, start to ask why AfterBurner messes up so badly (nobody uses search) and that their world has effectively ended, as the new build broke their game or overlay. So yes, for the novice, please uninstall AB and RTSS before installing a new build.

That’s not entirely correct. Full RTSS reinstall with profiles removal is only required after serious OS platform updates or service packs installation, when Direct3D runtimes are being upgraded by OS whilst running RTSS. That may result in corrupting RTSS injection cache and can be solved either by “Reset cache” button in RTSS properties or by simple performing a clean install. But it has no relation to simply upgrading RTSS or AB versions and clean installs are not required in this case. Thank you both for replying.

#5503693 Posted on: 07:14 PM I have more than one AMD 470, 480 video cards. I had three of them in a Windows 10 64bit computer. I did DDU to uninstall AMD drivers to install the newly fresh December 17th drivers. I could still regulate everything on MSI afterburner. Then I added the fourth card to the computer and all of a sudden I don't see driver version showing on afterburner and it can see all four cards and lists their models but doesn't show me any of the controls for them so I can't underclock core and overclock memory. MSI afterburner shows 0 for all of the values for all of the cards. They all run at the speeds that are set in their bios and I can see that through GPU-Z.

One RX480 runs at 1342 core and 2000 memory, another RX480 runs at 1290 core and 2000 memory and both of the RX 470 run at 1250 core and 1650 memory. I uninstalled MSI afterburner, removed settings, deleted MSI afterburner folder with whatever was left after uninstalling it from Program files and installed the latest version 4.4.2 but nothing changed - I still can't overclock memory, underclock core on four cards. As soon as I pull one out and am down to just three cards - then all the controls come back. Is there any fix on how to see more than three cards with MSI afterburner? I also tried running an older version of MSI afterburner - 4.4.1 and still no difference. The drivers I'm running are 2017-12-17, version 7.1005 - Win10-64bit adrenalin edition 17.12.2.