Uncharted 2 Among Thieves Ps3 Cobra Ode Reviews

Uncharted 2 Among Thieves Ps3 Cobra Ode Reviews Rating: 5,7/10 3631votes

Uncharted 3 sacrifices too much to Hollywood, but such is Naughty Dog's skill and care that I'm happy to forgive what is lost for all that is gained. The third and final instalment in any game trilogy is notoriously hard to get right. It's the videogame equivalent of the awkward second album, or difficult third film, and it's all the harder when the penultimate outing was roundly applauded and sold so well. Naughty Dog take this in their stride as they take their place with great artists before them, Radiohead's onward survival after OK Computer's global success and Star Wars' final outing after fan favourite. They look down this barrel and hold their nerve with the same quiet confidence that told players of the first game, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, that this was going to be a great series long before the general populace caught up with the release of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception starts as it means to go on, but this is not quite what I expected. After the work of the first two establishing locations and enemies I thought it would simply build on all this. But what I found was a fresh approach that immediately took me to new locations and pitted me against quite different enemies -- both at henchman and headman(/woman) level. It matches 's second season commitment to keep the focus moving and make the audience work. In fact, in videogame form it epitomises David Simon's TV show ethic of not pandering to the masses, famously outspoken: 'who wants a f&$king casual audience.' Even though I am more used to putting in the effort between each videogame cinematic this was still something of a shock.

Uncharted 2 Among Thieves Ps3 Cobra Ode Reviews

[3.72] [Cobra ODE / E3 ODE PRO / 3Key] (2011) PS3: Software: 45.8 GB: 2. Uncharted 2 - Among Thieves (Original Soudtrack 256Kbs). Mar 08, 2015 Brandnew Cobra ode ps3 games ALL FREE! NO NEEDED REGISTRATION. Sunday, March 8, 2015.

This is offset by Uncharted 3 doing more to blur the boundary between player controlled moments and those that drop into pre-rendered sequences. Although each transition is still jarring, a problem of the medium rather than the game, one bleeds into the other much better now. At times I think I'd almost prefer to just watch things unfold without getting involved.

However, if this was just a film I simply wouldn't be interested. It's only because I get to control Drake, and on occasion Elena, that this means so much to me. It's only because these people exist in three dimensional space, that when they win, lose, hurt, cry and lie it matters to me. It feels a little jarring, but for good reason. The overall feeling of my first play was of a more restrained and slower paced experience than Uncharted 2. This is, again, evident from the start where Naughty Dog play another trick of the trilogy closer.

Like 's flashback opening of Smeagol and Deagol first finding the ring, Uncharted 3 takes us back to Drake and Sully's beginnings and the finding of their (less demonically cursed) ring. It feels a little jarring, but for good reason. Drake's Deception, as its name suggests, is not what we've come to expect from our untouchable hero. Without wanting to give too much away, this reminded us of James Bond films like where 007 isn't necessarily all we assumed him to be. This is to the good because by doing more than simply joining the dots Uncharted 3 is a much more interesting game.

While it may not be to everybody's palette, and may miss the acclaim and accolades that gamers and plaudits were waiting to shower on it, this is a game that will stand the test of time much better. By doing more than joining the dots Uncharted 3 is a much more interesting game. Like the final Toy Story film, which John Lasseter held off from creating for many years for fear that it would cheapen the brand, Uncharted 3 turns out to actually add to the previous outings. Was similarly not another rendition of the same story, and in their shared departure from expectations this film and game have served their wider franchises and audiences much better.

Where Uncharted 3 is more predictable, and where most reviews seem to focus, is in its improved shooting, fighting and stealth mechanics. These are each individually impressive, but it is the way you can choose your route through each level that impressed me. Like 's ability to offer racers their own route around each course here you decide whether to snipe, run and gun or sneak through each location. These mechanical improvements are matched by the visuals.

This time round the game looks better, and considering the previous game's propensity to cause you to stop mid gun fight and look at a sunset or babbling brook, that is no small thing. You notice it not only in the general draw distances and attention to detail, but in the glint of an eye as Drake delivers a line, or wince as Elena wonders if he has finally outstretched himself this time. Visually, I was disappointed that Elena has succumbed to a Hollywood face and body. I enjoyed her boyish movements and slightly androgynous features in the first game, and was happy that they continued into Uncharted 2. Here though she is much more typically feminine and has features that match the manufactured look of film starlets.

She is simply a much less interesting looking, and less believable, person for this. No other game creates characters that we care about like this. Happily though, the writing and performances is more than able to shine through. The dialogue wisely draws on the history we have with these characters. Sexual tension, genuine affection and care as well as more bombastic bravado all work together to make it impossible not to smile as events unfold in what can now only be described as a very 'Uncharted' way. That I need to reach for so many films to describe my Uncharted 3 ride is telling. This is the high tide mark of videogame's ode to cinema.

Although this still what I think games can be on their own terms, as a cinematic experience it is unlikely to be bettered. Other games will offer better platforming mechanics, more online multiplayer options, local split-screen co-op in the main campaign. But no other game creates filmic characters that we really care about like this. This has always been Uncharted's trump card, and its third episode seals this as its lasting appeal to serious gamers everywhere.

Grown up gaming? With so many different perspectives it can be hard to know where to start - a little like walking into a crowded pub. Sorry about that. But so far we've not found a way to streamline our review output - there's basically too much of it.

So, rather than dilute things for newcomers we have decided to live with the hubbub while new readers find the they will enjoy. What sort of gamer are you? Our each focus on a particular perspective and fall into one of the following types of gamers: •: Creative reviews created by artists from all walks of life: •: Reviews from each stage of family life, every step of the way: •: In-depth videogame analysis and commentary from experts: •: Enthusiastic hardcore commentary about the minutiae of gaming: .

NO UPDATE PROS 1. You can play all your games, dlc updated or not. You can use only one disc for all your games 3. You don't have to convert your games and make swap to play them. NO UPDATE CONS 1. You can't play online, sync your trophies and download games or updates. You have to update your game or DLC via Sonic Man 3.

You have to patch the eboot.bin of games that need a newer OFW UPDATE PROS 1. You can access to PSN, play online, update games, sync your trophies, buy and dowload games and dlc.

You don't have to patch de eboot.bin from games because your PS3 have the last OFW UPDATE CONS 1. You need a Blu-ray burner and compatible blu-ray discs 2. You have to extract boot file from all your games, have an original PS3 game to make a SWAP.iso file, burn it into a blu-ray disc 3.

You have to buy a DMC (Drive Motor Controlle) or make a variant to make SWAP. You have to update your cobra ode to 2.4 version 5. Only the updated games work (just comments in forums, not my experience). You have to change the disc manually. MY EXPERIENCE I have my Cobra Ode since 2014 and I updated because I play online and I like to sync my trophies, and I bought games before I put the Cobra ode. My Cobra Ode have the FW 2.2 fix 3 and I don't have DMC, I make a variant (), all games updated or not woks fine.

MY OPINION If I have your console, I KEEP IT LIKE THAT AND I DON'T UPDATE because I hate the proce. Click to expand.

Waltinio, A very very very big Thanks to you brother, u saved my time. I'm very much happy after seeing ur reply. I have cobra v5.30a it as any extra advantage or dose not have any advantage 2. What is DMC(stands for what) cobra ode? Can u explain 3.websites for ps3 games (torrent file), I have seen some website has an iso ps3 games, dose it works or v have to convert it onece again to iso to play in cobra ode. I will go with u, I won't update my console. Dose any games really need any update to play it (never purchased a game before so).

PS3tool was made to compile the most commun programs to manage files for hacked (jailbreak, custom firmware, etc) PS3. For us, only is useful to verify the ps3 game files, resign saves (from other users) and create disc extra (install dlc or updates for our games).

Homebrew are that program o app or tools made by people different of sony, The most of them works on hacked PS3, I use only Sonic Man. Now, the laast revision from Team Cobro over Cobra Ode is 5.10C not 5.30A. I think you mean 4.30A. Each version fix some bugs or erros from previous versions. For my knowlage, the 4.30 is most stable, the 5.10 support beter de DMC. DMC is an additional module for Cobra Ode, this module make possible the SWAP on PS3. Thats mean, you load your game from cobra manager, with original PS3 game, Then, you run the game this game verify the boot from original game, after that the DMC stop the blu-ray motor (for 10 seconds) and eject the original disc and you have to insert th eSWAP disc (burned with all boot files from your games), after that, the blu-ray motor starts again and use de otrhe disc to emule the game.

Thast the function of DMC (Drive Motor Controller). Many of website with direct downloads or torrent files have the hacked version of the game (to play on cosole with Custon Firmware), our PS3 can run it, but you have to take the boot file form ISO and insert to SWAP disc. I preffer verify the file and have 99.99% of excatly image of original (PS3-ISO-Rebuilder) to check the iso with IRD files (checksum from original games). Thats reduce the risk to get banned for use hacked games online.

Thanks for read this lines. PS3tool was made to compile the most commun programs to manage files for hacked (jailbreak, custom firmware, etc) PS3. For us, only is useful to verify the ps3 game files, resign saves (from other users) and create disc extra (install dlc or updates for our games). Homebrew are that program o app or tools made by people different of sony, The most of them works on hacked PS3, I use only Sonic Man.

Now, the laast revision from Team Cobro over Cobra Ode is 5.10C not 5.30A. I think you mean 4.30A. Each version fix some bugs or erros from previous versions. For my knowlage, the 4.30 is most stable, the 5.10 support beter de DMC. DMC is an additional module for Cobra Ode, this module make possible the SWAP on PS3.

Thats mean, you load your game from cobra manager, with original PS3 game, Then, you run the game this game verify the boot from original game, after that the DMC stop the blu-ray motor (for 10 seconds) and eject the original disc and you have to insert th eSWAP disc (burned with all boot files from your games), after that, the blu-ray motor starts again and use de otrhe disc to emule the game. Thast the function of DMC (Drive Motor Controller).

Many of website with direct downloads or torrent files have the hacked version of the game (to play on cosole with Custon Firmware), our PS3 can run it, but you have to take the boot file form ISO and insert to SWAP disc. Download Kurdish Fonts Zanestate. I preffer verify the file and have 99.99% of excatly image of original (PS3-ISO-Rebuilder) to check the iso with IRD files (checksum from original games). Thats reduce the risk to get banned for use hacked games online. Thanks for read this lines.