Autocad Contour Lisp

Autocad Contour Lisp Rating: 9,1/10 242votes

Prepaid Meter Keygen Serial on this page. Quote Converts a number into a string (rtos number [mode [precision]]) The rtos function returns a string that is the representation of number according to the settings of mode, precision, and the system variables UNITMODE, DIMZIN, LUNITS, and LUPREC. Arguments number A number.

Mode An integer specifying the linear units mode. The mode corresponds to the values allowed for the LUNITS AutoCAD system variable. The mode can be one of the following numbers: 1 Scientific 2 Decimal 3 Engineering (feet and decimal inches) 4 Architectural (feet and fractional inches) 5 Fractional precision An integer specifying the precision.

This is a routine in Visual LISP to generate profiles from elevation contours. It assumes that the contours are LWPOLYLINES with straight segments (not splined neither curved fitted with 'pedit') whose z coordinates is the elevation. LWPOLYLINES must be in the world coordinate system (UCS).

Warning: if you have the TIN (Triangle Irregular Network) use the TIN Typically surveying software use cloud of 3D points to generate the survey TIN and then it uses the TIN to generate elevation contours. In general, the cloud points are taken in the ground, that means are the only exact information we have. TIN is a systemic solution to convert the cloud points (discontinuous information) in a surface (continuous information).

When we generate contour lines we are using an interpolation from a TIN or in other words an approach of one approach. Nevertheless the contours are the only information that we often have from a surveyor so we must learn to work with them. If you have survey software convert the contour curves in a TIN and work with the TIN, but if you either do not have software this simple Visual LISP routine will be help for you. In the Figure No. 1 you can see the difference between a profile from a TIN and a profile from a contour lines set.

Jul 02, 2015 AutoCAD Autolisp - Elevation Interpolation. Create contour lines from Google Earth on AutoCAD - (Free - Open Source) - Duration: 8:49. Free Lisp Routines for AutoCAD and CorelCAD. Therefore I assume these lisp routines will also work on AutoCAD. The contours can be coloured using the.

Autocad Contour Lisp

1 How to use the routine The routine identify the cross points between an alignment (straight line of two points) and contour curves (LWPOLYLINES with straight segments) with elevations in z coordinate and generate a profile, that means the profile only have point when the profile cross over contours. 2 shows a profile generated with the routine. Figure No.2 After loading the Visual LISP file profile.lsp type profileLT. The routine will prompt for scales: Horizontal scale 1: Vertical scale 1: These two responses define the relationship between the horizontal scale and vertical scale. For example if you put: Horizontal scale 1:1000 Vertical scale 1:500 In this case the profile elevations (Y in AutoCAD) are going to be double (Y= elevation * Horizontal scale / Vertical scale). Then the routine ask: Define the first station in drawings units: These define the first station in the profile. It's important to know that for the routine one unit drawing is equal to one measure units.

Then the routine ask: First profile point: Last profile point: These define the first and last profile points. And finally the routine ask the point where the profile is going to start. Each point in the profile has a text with it elevations and station in Leroy 80 for the horizontal scale.